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How to choose a Dentist

7 Things you should consider when choosing a Dentist Picking a dentist can be one of the hardest things. After all, entrusting your oral health to a dentist and his/her staff is a very personal decision. Here are seven tips … Continued

Why Should I Care About Geriatric Dental Care?

The World Health Organization defines the population between 65 and 75 as “elderly”. The term “old” is used for people between 76 and 90 and “very old” for those people over the age of 90. In general, older adults severely … Continued

5 Benefits of Straighter Teeth with Invisalign®

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The most common orthodontic problem is called malocclusion, or ‘bad bite’, and is often times a genetic problem. A bad bite can also be caused by thumb or finger-sucking, mouth breathing, dental disease, abnormal swallowing, poor dental hygiene, the early … Continued